Dear colleagues!
We are pleased to announce that the Mechanical Engineering Faculty of NSTU organizes the 11th international summer school entitled "Advanced Materials and Technologies: Upcoming Challenges in Materials Science and Engineering". This school will be devoted to new challenges and solutions in materials science, like biomaterials, smart materials, ceramic materials, etc. The school will be held from July 25 till August 09, 2022, at Novosibirsk State Technical University. We are glad to invite foreign students and young academic staff to join our summer school and learn new things about science, technologies and Russian culture.
Yours faithfully,
Organizing Committee.
Introduction to Materials Science
The summer school was a really good program and I would suggest the programm to everyone who wants to go to russia. Because the communication to the other student was fantastic and you got a true look at the social life in russia. You don´t get this look if you would come as a tourist. The Trip to Altai was really really amazing and we did so much wonderful things there! I will never forget this time and I am very thankful for all the support! Thank you very much!
Important information for German students:
Deutsche Studierende können sich im Rahmen des Go East- Sommerschulprogramms beim Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD) um ein Stipendium bewerben. Das Stipendium setzt sich zusammen aus Pauschale zur Deckung der Aufenthaltskosten, Reisekostenzuschuss und Kursgebühren. Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie unter: DAAD go east Sommerschulen
Das zweigleisige Bewerbungsverfahren sieht vor, dass Interessenten sich parallel bei der Sommerschule um eine Zulassung und beim DAAD um ein Stipendium bewerben.
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